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Child Custody

Finding The Right Custody And Parenting Time Situation For You

A custodial arrangement for your children should provide continuity and stability in their routine. It should always focus on what is in their best interests. Ideally, this schedule should allow both parents to continue to participate in their children’s lives and parent them in a meaningful way. At Susan Thurston, P.A., I can help you achieve these goals through negotiation, mediation* or litigation in court. If it is appropriate to seek full custody due to domestic violence or abuse, I can help you obtain this as well.

Establish The Right Mix Of Legal Orders

With more than 30 years of experience in family law practice, I have the legal knowledge and courtroom skills to benefit any parent who seeks to obtain or defend their custody and visitation rights. If you are a parent and you are divorcing or estranged from the other parent, I can help you find the best ways to smooth the transition. I can help you find the right mix of legal tools, such as:
  • Obtain a custody arrangement that serves the best interests of your child
  • Protect your parental rights
  • Establish a schedule for parenting time/visitation
  • Establish your parental rights through a paternity test
  • Defend your parental rights in a custody dispute
  • Enforce your parental rights if the other parent refuses to observe the custody agreement
Following these principals can help reduce the negative impact that a divorce will have on your children.

Consider Your Options | Consider Your Attorney

It is important to carefully consider who you hire as your child custody attorney. Your choice could have a long-term impact on your ability to communicate and cooperate with your former spouse or partner. If your case is handled poorly, not only do you risk receiving an unfavorable parenting time arrangement, but you also risk losing the spirit of cooperation with your co-parent that is vital to the well-being of your children. As a highly experienced and respected family law attorney, I understand the dynamics of child custody cases and the importance of long-term relationships between parents and their children. Rather than break down communication or escalate any conflicts with your co-parent, I will work to find common ground wherever possible while defending and protecting your rights.

Contact Me For Free, Experienced Child Custody Help

To discuss your circumstances in a free consultation with an experienced White Bear Lake custody attorney, contact me by filling out the form below or by calling 651-653-8800 today. *Susan C. Thurston is a qualified neutral mediator under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice.